what are the benefits of tomatoes

What are the benefits of tomatoes, The birthplace of tomatoes, known as the poor man’s apple, is Ireland.

What are the secret benefits of tomatoes

The fruit is rich in vitamin A and copper. It also contains protein, fat, calcium, iron, sulfur, phosphorus, vitamin B12, B3, C, D and starch.

Tomatoes grown in organic farming contain a high amount of chemicals called ‘flavonoids’. These antioxidants have the ability to reduce heart disease and fight certain types of cancer…’, according to a study by the University of California.

Drinking tomato juice provides 40 percent of our daily calcium needs. It is an excellent drink to relieve fatigue. It prevents early vomiting in pregnant women.

It relieves indigestion. If tomato juice is taken regularly. Stomach cancer can be prevented.

It is customary to recommend aspirin tablets to the elderly to keep blood circulation normal. But, taking it continuously can cause side effects. Instead, eating tomatoes daily will give good results.

The colorless and odorless sticky seeds of tomatoes contain substances that regulate blood flow, similar to those found in aspirin.

The chemical ‘lycopene’ in tomatoes prevents strokes. Since this chemical has the property of purifying the blood, it controls blood pressure and prevents the formation of blood clots. Drinking tomato juice can prevent the damage caused by cigarettes and vehicle smoke.

If you mix tomato juice in your bath water, you will get rid of sweat odor. Eating tomato juice mixed with honey will cure skin diseases. The acidity in tomatoes prevents gas production in the intestines. This will relieve constipation; reduce mouth ulcers, respiratory disorders and body odor.

Boil tomatoes and apply the fleshy part of them on the lumps and swellings, they ripen and ooze out, and the ulcers heal quickly. Before going to bed, apply tomato juice on the pimples and the pimples will disappear quickly.

Women who regularly include tomatoes in their diet will be prevented from getting asthma.

Note: Although tomatoes are full of so many nutrients, they should not be eaten more than 200 grams per day.

By Roja Karthik

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