When did the magnetic field change occur?

When did the magnetic field change occur?

The magnetosphere on Earth is what protects us from the dangerous rays coming from the sun, but this electromagnetic field is not always the same. It changes every few thousand years.

When there is a change in the magnetic field?

magnetic field

The northern pole changes to the southern pole, and the southern pole changes to the northern pole again. Scientists say that such a reversal happened 7,80,000 years ago.

In between such a complete change, there are occasional small changes in the magnetic field. These can last from a few hundred years to a thousand years. Scientists have found that such a small change happened 42,000 years ago.

A tree stump was discovered in New Zealand. Generally, the age of trees and the changes in the surrounding area can be determined by looking at the rings in the trees.

But, when this tree was examined, something new was recorded. That is, 42,000 years ago, it was revealed that the amount of radiocarbon on Earth suddenly increased due to a change in the Earth’s magnetic field.

The magnetic field change thinned the Earth’s ozone layer. Due to this, the ultraviolet rays from the sun reached the Earth directly without being blocked. These rays caused many living things to become extinct.

Our human race, Homo sapiens, took refuge in these caves to escape the radiation. Scientists believe that this is why the Neanderthals, our fellow human race, became extinct in large numbers. All of these are currently presented as hypotheses. The scientist believes that these can only be confirmed if more clear studies are carried out.

What is science short note?

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