Why is methylmercury dangerous?

Why is methyl mercury dangerous?

Methyl mercury is fish a very dangerous poison. It is released when coal is burned. It is also present in industrial waste.

Effects of methyl mercury on human body

When it is dumped into water bodies without being treated, it enters the bodies of fish living there. If these fish are consumed by humans, this poison also accumulates in their bodies.

It is also dangerous to the nervous system. Therefore, scientists have been researching the best way to remove this waste.

Now, researchers at Macquarie University in Australia have found that zebrafish and some insects can be used to remove this waste. That is, they first insert genes from the E. coli bacteria into the DNA of the fish and insects.

Fish with these modified genes will consume methyl mercury in the water and convert it into normal mercury gas.

This gas is less dangerous than methyl mercury. Since this mercury is not tolerated by the fish’s body, it does not cause much harm to the fish. Before these fish can be directly used in appropriate water bodies, some more studies need to be conducted.

Scientists say that we can use these only if they are successful.

Gold that dissolves fat for weight loss

The number of people suffering from obesity is increasing day by day. To reduce obesity, it is necessary to dissolve bad fats in the body. However, the drugs used to dissolve fat weaken healthy muscles. Due to this, scientists were researching to develop a drug that only dissolves fat without reducing muscle strength.

Now, Alexandria University in Egypt has found that gold nanoparticles can be used for this. In a study conducted on rats, these particles have reduced the fat in their bodies by up to 36 percent.

This improvement has been seen in just nine weeks after the drug was given. Not only that, but the health of the kidneys and liver of the rats has also improved. Therefore, scientists say that this will be a useful drug for humans in the future.

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